My limited (thankfully) experience with T-Mobile was when I bought their
service through Amazon.  I had decent coverage 3 blocks from my house,
less decent 2 blocks from my house and even less service at my house,
although their system maps showed my zip code had great coverage.  I
guess my 50+ year-old wood frame house was too much of an impediment.  I
did get decent coverage in my bathroom, but I really wanted to be able
to use the phone in other rooms too.   

I had no particular desire to go to Circuit City or Walmart, etc even
though I knew I could buy the phone from them.  I actually bought it
from Amazon and they were great and easy to deal with.  

The customer service people I spoke with were nice, but they were
ineffective and not given authority to actively try to solve problems -
besides suggesting power cycling the phone, waving a dead chicken over
it, etc.  At Day 26, I suggested we replace the phone and they felt that
was a good idea, but hadn't suggested that themselves.  

This was back in 2003, so maybe they've gotten better since then.  Their
coverage is still "lacking" out this way so I'm not about to try to find
out again.  

I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on their call-in
customer service.


-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Piwowar
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] T-Mobile?

>T-Mobile has a strong presence in Southern California...  I was with
>for about 35 days and their customer service people were beyond 
>incompetent.  Heck, you couldn't even get a decent at the local

I agree that the T-Mobile stores are terrible, but you can get T-Mobile 
phones at CCity, Walmart, etc.

I do not agree with you about their call-in customer service people. I 
love dealing with T-Mobile over the phone. Wait times are short. They
courteous and efficient. They know their products and make an extra 
effort to solve problems. 

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