>Some of their system is copper, some fiber...some fiber to the local box and
>copper beyond, no fiber to the home.  But then at least in my area, Qwest is
>offering 20 megabit fiber to the home, while cox will get you over 25 on
>their copper.  At this point I don't care *how* whomever gets it to my home,
>I just want high speed.

Is that dedicated 20 megabit from Qwest vs. "as high as" 25 megabit from 
Cox? Does that put Cox in the position of having to manage traffic so 
that you can get even a small sliver of that 25 megabits?

How many independent 25 megabit channels fit on one strand of RG6 coax? A 
quick Google says that max frequency for coax is about 1 GHz. So 25 
gozinta 1,000 about 40 times. Does that mean 40 channels? How much of 
this has to be reserved for TV and other services?

What is Cox really selling?

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