The United States has the lowest corporate tax rates in the
industrialized world. That's effectively subsidizing just about all
Never mind. You don't get it.
Man. That's some military-grade RDF. I see you still haven't connected the
dots as to why there is no significant competition in broadband in the first
place. Oh well.
The above is completely speculative and without any grounding in fact.
*Couldn't* have been done without federal funding and *wasn't* done are 2
different things. To suggest that nothing BIG can't be done without guvmint
money is a view divorced from reality. And to conveniently forget to mention
that a good deal of what you list was done in the interest of countering the
Soviets during the cold war is shifty at best. The military-industrial
complex, which I doubt you are a terrific fan of, is at the core of all of
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