i should also point out to you that a very large number of these auctions end 
at 9 or 10pm..........pacific time.  i am a very elderly person living in 
gmt-5.  i am long in bed when these auctions end.



At 01:57 PM 8/24/2008, you wrote:
>>Handy not always necessary but can make the difference between 
>>getting what you want at the price level you want and having to sit 
>>there and monitor an auction all day long.
>I still don't get it.
>eBay already lets you enter a maximum price, but the winning bid is set by the 
>second highest price plus the auction's increment.
>Thus if the auction's increment is $1, you bid $60, and the second highest 
>bidder bids $50, you win for $51.
>This happens automatically and very quickly, since it is built into the eBay 
>program. Why use a third party to mess up something that works perfectly well 
>as it is?
>If you are mad that you lost an auction by 50ยข, why did you not bid properly 
>in the first place?
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