Along this line; just a reminder that you may also maintain separate iTunes libraries.

Holding down the Shift key when starting iTunes allows you to point to (or create) another iTunes library.


and this part of the URL

07-26-2007, 05:51 PM
If you have a recent version of iTunes (7.2 or later?) you can now move your library a whole lot easier. The steps that your friend provided are not necessary; you certainly don't need to delete the songs from your library! Instead, do the following:

1- Make sure that iTunes is organizing your music all within the iTunes Music Folder (check your iTunes preferences to see that "Keep iTunes music folder organized" and "Copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" are selected. There is no need to change the location of your iTunes Music Folder in preferences.

2- Close iTunes and move the entire iTunes folder to the new location (e.g. move C:\..\My Documents\My Music\iTunes to E:\iTunes).

3- Hold down your shift key while you launch iTunes. You'll be prompted to Choose Library or Create Library. Select Choose Library and navigate to where you moved your iTunes folder and find the "iTunes Library.itl" file. Select that file and iTunes will launch as it always did, but all the files are on the new drive.

Note that the iTunes preferences will automatically change the default iTunes Music Folder to where it now resides. In previous versions of iTunes it didn't do that, which required a more complicated method to move your library.

mike wrote:
Under FILE select ADD FILE or ADD FOLDER and it will scan the folders/files
and subdirectories.


On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 6:17 PM, Richard P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How do you get the iTunes software to see where your audio files are
stored, or does it automatically search and find them? Right now
everything's on "C" by default on my system.

Richard P.
AFAIK, there is no portable version of itunes so it has to be installed
any system you use it on. You don't need your audio files on the same
as itunes...I keep mine on a esata drive so i can move it between

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