Tom Piwowar sez:

>>My question is:  Do I have to  do this in order to make a DVD that will 
>>play on my TV's DVD player or could I just stop at .m4v? 

I came a bit late to this, but i don't think anyone has just suggested
dropping the video clips onto iMovie? If you have a Mac and iMovie, you
should be able to drop any clip that Quicktime can play onto iMovie's
clip pane. It'll convert the clip to DV, stretching it as need to fit
the standard ratio window -- or so it has for the times I've used it.
Then you can put the clips together, arrange them, edit them, add
chapter markers, and then Share to iDVD to make your DVD that will play
in a TV DVD player.

I've used this for various filetypes, even YouTube videos I've snagged.
(Okay, I admit I've forgotten if I converted the .flv file to something
else first before dropping on iMovie. I know I've dropped .wmv and .mov
and other files on it.) The quality, of course, leaves a lot to be
desired once you've grabbed a web video, converted and stretched it, but
it's not unwatchable... usually. :)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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