Are you sure your 22" LCD monitor isn't native 1680X1050? Unlike CRTs,
you want to set an LCD to it's exact resolution. Maybe the res you're
trying to enter is so far off it's getting rejected?

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 3:07 PM, gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have an ati radon 1200 with 256 meg of ram.  run vista.  both latest 
> upgrades.  have a V7  22" wide screen monitor.  cheap Acer with quad core.
> installed ATI CCC(catalyst control center).
> i set the display to 1440 x 900.  all is fine.
> when i shut down the computer and reboot, the display goes back to 1280 x 
> 960, or whatever is standard. if i rite click screen, 1280 x 960 is highest 
> def. that shows.
> i have to go to the CCC to reset the 1440 x 900.

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