It's irrelevant since your LCD monitor can't do 2048X1536 anyway.

Set it to 1680X1050 @60hz, and you're finished. Stop thinking about
the old CRT monitors that could be set to multiple resolutions and
refresh rates.

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:24 PM, gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> manual states max res is 1680 x 1050.  so i set the ati card to run at that 
> res.
> the ati CCC panel only shows 60 hz at that res.  when i try to find the specs 
> for my ati card, on the ati website,
>  i get
> Supports a maximum resolution of 2048x1536 @ 32bpp  for an answer.
> i don't think this tells me anything about the refresh rate at 2048 or 1680.
> i checked a few other video cards, and refresh rates at a particular 
> resolution does not seem to be speced any more.
> am i missing something
> At 03:56 PM 9/10/2008, you wrote:
>>Are you sure your 22" LCD monitor isn't native 1680X1050? Unlike CRTs,
>>you want to set an LCD to it's exact resolution. Maybe the res you're
>>trying to enter is so far off it's getting rejected?
>>On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 3:07 PM, gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> i have an ati radon 1200 with 256 meg of ram.  run vista.  both latest 
>>> upgrades.  have a V7  22" wide screen monitor.  cheap Acer with quad core.
>>> installed ATI CCC(catalyst control center).
>>> i set the display to 1440 x 900.  all is fine.
>>> when i shut down the computer and reboot, the display goes back to 1280 x 
>>> 960, or whatever is standard. if i rite click screen, 1280 x 960 is highest 
>>> def. that shows.
>>> i have to go to the CCC to reset the 1440 x 900.
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