Eric you forgot one important as[ect in this also.

Wall Streets expected gains.
All publicly held companies are expected to perform by Wall Street and they set the numbers.

If a company comes in low for the quarter they are having a problem and it leads to stock sell off, which means less capital to work with.


At 11:00 PM 9/7/2008, you wrote:
I can understand the "greed is good" philosophy, but I think we were put on earth for a higher purpose.

OK, I can see that and I may be oversimplifying.

But let's get real here.

You've got your own private business and you don't work for
charity, I'm sure you charge your clients a market rate that includes
a profit for you.

I work for a publically held company that's responsible to its
stockholders for return on investment, otherwise known as profits
over time.

To compete I either have to offer the best product at a competitive
price, or a competitive product at the best price.

I choose to do both depending on what infrastructure deployment
I have.  I want to move to the best model and I am taking risks
to do this.  In fact I am betting the store.

But if I don't make a profit then I am not going to be able to operate.

All of my employees, my stockholders, and my subscribers will
be SOL because I can't pay dividends or even the light bill.

So I don't think it's necessarily about greed.  I think it's about
keeping the engine running in the right direction.  I couldn't do this
without my top professional employees, my world class technology,
and our collective dedication to the mission.

Profits aren't bad.  I ate dinner today and so did everybody that
works for me as well as their families.

And we added more subscribers to our optical network today.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
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