I agree and understand what you say. What I was also pointing out is that Wall street expects companies to gain and make money. That is part of the economy and free market.

If company A does not meet earning expectations they get a no vote from Wall Street and their stock drops. If they beat expectations they get a nod and their stock increases.

Buy stock, invest in mutual funds which buy stock. Your pension plan my pension plan most everyone's private pension plan has come to rely and expect stocks to profit on Wall Street.

That is not greed it is called expected return on investment.


At 11:52 PM 9/7/2008, you wrote:
Wall Streets expected gains.

What part of a dividend check do you not understand?

We pay you out of our profits if you own our stock, you
own the company.

You get to vote on policy.  Buy a few shares.  Buy a lot
of shares.  This is a perfect time to buy shares.

I value your support.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
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