Verizon has some major downtown hardware problems.  couple months ago TV and 
telephone stayed, but internet died for 4 days.

the tele and tel stayed on again, but internet died for 2 days.  verizon is not 
too swift about it, they had 4 guys out here for better part of a day, and they 
could not tell if i had a signal to the house or not.  they thought they could 
see the box outside from the central station, but it took a whole day for them 
to decide they did not have an internet connection from central station to 

they decided i was not the individual problem when they got about 10 or 20 
other complaints from the area.  amazing way to troubleshoot.

contact with verizon is very ungood.  hard to believe, but comcast is an order 
of magnitude better.  i cannot believe i have said anything about comcast is 

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