> The new Zune was obsolete before it came on the market--the only choice
> is one with a hard drive

Betty, as I've mentioned, with the specs and price my son had in mind, the
only choice was between Zune and iPod Classic, and that is the scope of the
comparison I made: "if these are your specs, then your choice is between
Zune and Classic, and of those two the Zune is now the better choice." The
Nano (screen too small, insufficient storage) and Touch (too expensive,
insufficient storage) aren't relevant. Nowhere have I said that the Zune is
better than the Touch.

Incidentally, you must have missed my original post: a recent software
update provided Wi-Fi capabilities for all of the Zune models (including the
original one), so they are no longer limited to that "gross" squirting. :)

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