> You said it was thinner, but it is really 20 percent thicker. A simple
> fact that could be looked up. I looked it up.

I looked it up too. I posted the link. The info on Wired was wrong.

> You just insisted that I must be wrong.

No, I didn't. I said it was thinner; you said it wasn't; I checked and you
were right; I said so. You can go back through the messages and you won't
find anyplace where I said you were wrong about this.

> I am careful to get my facts straight and to provide explainations 
> and supporting examples.

I'm sorry, but you are not always that careful. I've seen numerous
inaccuracies in your posts about Windows and especially about Vista.

And if you're looking for the cause behind my attitude in that post, look no
further than your "Why do the Microsoft fan bois constantly back up their
prejudices with misinformation?" Try toning down your condescension a little
and you might get better responses.

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