I would not buy either one at this point; both are obsolete. I do not
like buying obsolete tech.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
> So, my point is that comparing the latest Zune, the most advanced 
> product from MS, to the classic is pointless.  Apple designed it 6-7 
> years ago.  The only updates to it are basically drive capacity.  It 
> is a product near its end of life and Apple won't have it around a 
> whole lot longer.  I mean, I'd be embarrassed to make that kind of 
> comparison.

You'd be embarrassed to not pay a $100-$180 price premium for what
amounts to an interface and far less storage?  That's a might low, and
strange, threshold. Status quo for snobbery, I suppose.

I want space to store all of my music, which currently is hovering
around the 30 GB mark and growing.  I don't want to play the "which do I
listen to today?" shuffle so I can squeeze part of it onto a flash
player.  The hard disk is the best option for me, today.  If flash
players expand to fill that need at a competitive price, that's fine by

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