>> But more importantly, you really ignored what I said, to wit, if what
>> you want is a lot of storage, or if you can't afford a Touch, then
>> there's no choice except between Classic and Zune. You choose one of
>> those, or nothing.
> I meant I would not buy something Apple designed 6-7 years ago and 
> has really only changed the capacity of the disk drive.  I would 
> never buy something using the same tech that another manufacturer 
> just came out with.

Fine, that's your point of view and you're entitled to it, but it is YOUR
point of view. Someone else may have a different point of view, don't you
think? I do not understand why someone who wants a box with the specs I've
described repeatedly should not be permitted to compare the available boxes
and then purchase the one he prefers.

But I guess 'nuff said.

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