On Oct 11, 2008, at 7:22 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

As for computers owned...
77%  MS Windows
55%  Mac OS X
23%  Linux
37%  Other (Amiga, OS 9, Sun, Sinclair)

People may select more than one so percents add up to more than 100%

I love my old Sinclair, but I don't think I would have listed it as
something I currently use. Even I am not so old fashioned!

Okay, now. I think that I listed my Sinclair along with my Atari. However, the poll asked about computers that are OWNED, not about what computers are USED. I do not currently use either of the two mentioned above, but I do still have, or own them. I only currently use Macs, and they are not all OS X machines either. Three are, three aren't. Perhaps your query should have been about what computers are currently in use, leaving the ownership issue out. I was just trying to answer the questionnaire as accurately as I could.

 Still, an interesting endeavor.


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