> I'm surprised that Jeff Bezos beat out Steve Jobs and that Jerry Yang
> was as poorly regarded as Steve Balmer.
> My biggest surprise was that Steve Balmer did not score a big negative.
> I guess you folks are willing to give a bad manager more slack than I do.
> Or is it that you see him as a better manager than I do?

I was surprised as well.  Apple is wholly dependent upon Jobs for its
success and MS desperately needs to shed the flailing deadweight of Balmer.
Can't Paul Allen talk some sense into him, or at least lure him to Portland
somehow, drug him, and hide him away in a Hare Krishna sect for a few years?
Selling candles at the airport seems a suitable punishment.

Yang?  I don't even think about him.  Asking about Brin and Page would have
been better.

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