Estimates put Vista development costs in the billions.  Apple hasn't got
anyone 'scared to death' and for good reason, there is nothing to be scared
of, just laughed at.  Sure the Apple ads are funny, but funny in a
daily/colbert lack of truthiness kind of way.

Either way, money is no measure of how well a product is made...clearly.


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >When you're perpetually stuck in last place, that's SOP.  I suppose that's
> >why Apple ads remind me of McCain ads, divisive and slinging piss and
> >vinegar everywhere, while the recent "I'm a PC" Windows ads come off much
> >more inclusive, positive and hopeful, like a certain other presidential
> >candidate.
> Strange logic derived from an even stranger view of reality. Perhaps you
> got one of those checks from MS too?
> Apple has got MS scared to death and for good reason.
> Have you seen the latest two Apple ads? They call attention to MS's huge
> budget for enhancing its image and small budget for fixing its crappy
> software.
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