> The TV commercials I've seen are at about a 1:1 ratio between Apple
> and MS

Nah. Maybe in the last month or so the ratio has been closer, but I still
see a LOT more Mac ads than MS ads.

But more importantly, the Apple ads have been running since 2006, and they
are ubiquitous. You cannot avoid them. They're like gnats at the ol'
swimmin' hole in August. In contrast, I can't offhand remember any broadcast
Windows advertising since the Vista release. I suspect that if you total the
number of airings of Mac ads and Windows ads over the last two years, the
ratio is 100:1 or higher. 

> I'm not sure what the message is with the MS "I'm a PC" campaign

The message is that there are all kinds of Windows users all over the world;
the stereotype depicted in the McMercials is just that, a stereotype.
Windows users aren't all nerdy sheep-like idiots.

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