Yes it's plenty wise if you get a good deal/better product.  No it's not
cruising for anything except perhaps a few bucks or better speed.  No in my
experience with Cox, it didn't make one whit of difference that I bought my
own modem.

The provider has certain standards or lack of, that they wish you to comply,
if you do then all is good.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Well I thought I knew what you were talking about...till you said it was
> too
> >expensive, then I wasn't sure since they aren't that expensive.  But I
> >suppose expensive is relative.  I know the motorola's I used go for about
> 50
> >bux, sometimes less with MIR.
> Well terminology aside, since the box in question is the interface
> between their network and your network. And since the side that faces
> your network is well defined. And since their network can be whatever
> they want it to be. Do people really think it wise to replace the box
> they provide with a box of one's own chosing? Isn't that cruising for a
> bruise? Doesn't that make it harder to complain and get service when
> things go wrong?
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