On a PC hibernation saves a copy of your desktop and makes a snapshot of what all is running when you shut down. It then loads that snapshot when you restart the computer.

When you click standby it starts to power down all sorts of things, but it is still running, albeit in a much reduced mode. It drains your battery.

I have a tendency to hibernate my laptop when I am moving it from place to lace (home-office-home-location)

I do like to shut it down every now and then to make sure all updates get installed etc. Putting you laptop into hibernation will not make updates load.


At 01:16 PM 11/1/2008, you wrote:
Hibernation results in shut-down, and its what your UPS commands when the battery is running out and the grid power is not yet back on. Stand-by won't provide the required result in that case.

At 09:07 PM 10/30/2008, Jeff Wright wrote:
>This illustrates why I have avoided hibernation: it's never worked
>reliably enough to be worth it.  Stand-by works fine and if I need to
>save battery life, I'll turn the system off.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
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