I agree with that solution and would try it first time out. (Above ground to make sure it works, then bury cable. If you want to make sure it is safe, use a plastic water pipe to shield it.)

When I got to my present church, I tried wireless to see if I could get a signal to my office which is a separate building away. Could not get a reliable signal. So I got my cables out and we ran one (overhead) from one building to the next, and used a coupler (Run was not over length) in the building to get it to my office. They have since relocated my office and I am in the main building but because of topography I still have a hard line to my office. (The church is built in the round with a lot of brick walls which are then set at an angle which limits wireless signal)


At 04:27 PM 11/18/2008, you wrote:

Vicky's first solution is where I would start. Just make sure the distance from building to garage is less than 330feet. Its hard wired so there is less chance of interference. Just make sure the cable is protected so it wont get sliced. You can run a test cable on the ground as proof of concept, and if it works well make it permanent. Best buy sells a $15 4 port switch from Linksys, which would just require a power source in the garage. 1000' of Cat 5e cable at HomeDepot for $60. and the Job is done in an afternoon.

"1. Running new Cat5 cable from one house to an ethernet switch ($30 or
  so for a 100Mbps switch with 5 or 8 ports) in the garage, and then
  more cable from the switch to the 2nd house. "


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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