Chris Dunford
> Wayne, Tom appears to have confused two different events.
> There was a technical glitch of some kind, not related to
> demand, in delivering the activation keys. Subsequently
> MS decided that it was going to need more hardware to
> handle the volume of Win7 downloads, so it added more. But
> these were two separate events.

I'm a little surprised by that, given the black eye that
MS got from Vista, I thought they would've had a couple of
dozen dry runs to make sure that _no_ one had issues in
trying the beta.  It wasn't a big deal, just a "We don't
need this crap"....

> To answer your first question, the activation key simply
> allows you to use the beta for more than 30 days.

As I understand it the full release is supposed to be
sometime in late summer (according to various and sundry
tech news sources), correct and they only plan to have one
beta release?

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Do Not Attempt to Traverse a Chasm in Two Leaps.

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