Is there such a "rule of thumb" in  the gaming computer world?

Yes.  Your graphics subsystem and power supply are the places
to spend the bucks.

400W is not nearly enough to run a modern graphics card and
processor, plus at a minimum one optical and two or three hard
drives, plus other stuff.  I had the PS issue on my last build:

Not exactly professional photography but it gives the idea.

This is a fairly old machine but it still rocks, and contrary to
opinion it cost less than the equivalent Dell when I built it.

Much less.

Most folks don't seem to get that you need a LOT of graphics
horsepower when gaming.  This is completely at variance with
what you need for a general purpose office computer.

In my experience, that is.

Would it make a difference if they started with an off-lease Dell workstation from, or are those too old? BTW, that's quite a fan in your machine. Could heat the whole room, save on your heating bill.


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