Is you next step to lecture us about the reality of UFOs?

No, of course not.

Maybe MS would be more successful with new products if they sacrificed a chicken or two?

I frankly don't give a rat's rear end what Microsoft does.  But
it's clear that you do.

Should MS replace Balmer with a Rastafarian?

Well, that might not be a bad idea.

Believe it or not, I actually agree with you most of the time.

I think you all ready know what I think about MP3 in general
and I figure that a couple of lines of bad code are of no
significance to me.  That game's not worth the candle.

My overall point was that mistakes are made, anyone, even
NASA, can make them.  Perhaps an extreme example.

I don't claim to be error-free.  I don't even like Windows,
I've been here for a long time and you should know I use
it because it does what I need it to do most of the time.

Have a good day, play a computer game.  Listen to good
music, life is too short for bad music.

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