Stop getting your history from the left wing media.

Saying that doesn't help much does it?  FDR's new deal never got
unemployment below 20%, the jobless rate went up in 38, not down.
Unemployment was at it's lowest the year before the new deal part 2 was
enacted, and went up the following year.  Of course the war started at this
point so further data gets mucked up, but once the war started unemployment
took a nosedive.

TARP was throwing money at irresponsible people who were greedy and screwed

This new new deal is throwing money at irresponsible people who helped the
last group of irresponsible people screw up.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Jordan <> wrote:

> The 700B TARP was intended ONLY to rescue the entire financial system so
>> that the whole economy wouldn't collapse, and, as bad as things are now and
>> may worsen, it has served that purpose. And the participants received LOANS,
>> at hefty interest rates, which have a good chance of being repaid. If not,
>> Uncle Sam is first in line to receive remaining assets if they go bankrupt.
>> Now, Obama and the Democrats trillion dollar dump is exactly that, a huge
>> gamble that it will create jobs, when spending never has in the past. That
>> trillion will come from the Chinese, and they may not continue lending, once
>> all this spending causes inflation to rear its ugly head.
> How do you think we got out of the last depression?
> The WPA, Civilian Conservation Corps, and the National Recovery Act created
> jobs and made the country stronger. These jobs were bringing the country out
> of the depression before we got into the war.
> TARP was throwing money at irresponsible people who were greedy and screwed
> the people of this country.
> Stop getting your history from right wing media.
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