I think you need to re read some of your history. We did not come out of the depression until the Second world war and the ramping up of production.

Of course all this can be debated till the horses come home. Once the gate is open they are out it does not matter how they got out, what matters is getting them back in!!!


At 05:50 PM 1/29/2009, you wrote:
How do you think we got out of the last depression?
The WPA, Civilian Conservation Corps, and the National Recovery Act created jobs and made the country stronger. These jobs were bringing the country out of the depression before we got into the war. TARP was throwing money at irresponsible people who were greedy and screwed the people of this country.

Stop getting your history from right wing media.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
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