On Jan 29, 2009, at 6:50 PM, Jordan wrote:

How do you think we got out of the last depression?

By selling the tools of war to the British and French for the most part, then by full mobilization for WWII.

The WPA, Civilian Conservation Corps, and the National Recovery Act created jobs and made the country stronger.

Modern economist understand that the New Deal delayed the recovery by 5 - 7 years minimum.

These jobs were bringing the country out of the depression before we got into the war.

No, they were not.  Look at the unemployment data.

TARP was throwing money at irresponsible people who were greedy and screwed the people of this country.

Greedy like people lying to buy a home that was over priced and which they could not possibly afford?

Stop getting your history from right wing media.

Start reading history.

You might want to try The Forgotten Man by Amity Shales.


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