i forgot to mention that you should then have yourself cleansed, which will 
require a trip to india.

At 07:10 PM 1/30/2009, you wrote:
>A friend has an older Dell laptop with Windows XP that won't connect 
>wirelessly to internet.  Maybe other problems, don't know.  He knows nothing 
>at all about computers, so he asked me for advice since I know next to 
>nothing.  He believes his problem is caused by viruses since he sees a message 
>that his laptop has 178 viruses.  Don't know where the message comes from, 
>maybe an expired virus program from Dell or maybe a virus program that he paid 
>to download from the web.  He doesn't know what he downloaded, if anything, 
>and he threw away all the CDs that came from Dell, including OS, since he 
>didn't know what they were for.
>I told him to go to a local computer builder (not chain repair place) who 
>might have an old Win XP OS on hand, tell them that he will pay to have the 
>disk wiped and the OS reinstalled (ask price first), and say that if the 
>computer won't work afterwards he will make no demand that the computer be 
>fixed for that initial price.  The computer is old enough that a high price to 
>fix isn't wise, and he has no data that needs to be saved.
>Should I have told him something else?
>(I could try to fix for him but I am not that dumb.)
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