Taps? Stewart
At 08:23 AM 1/31/2009, you wrote:
Not much to say. A 4-year-old "eMachines" used by my wife (ironically I had been planning to replace it, but was hoping to wait for Windows 7) was on last night past midnight. When I saw it this morning, it was off and cannot be powered back on. The only power "switch" is a toggle on the front. Pressing it does nothing. I tried plugging it into a different outlet (it is normally on a UPS). There were no power interruptions overnight, I would have known because several clocks would have been blinking. Any suggestions beyond the obvious?
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall mailto:popoz...@earthlink.net Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org Ozark, AL SL 82 ************************************************************************* ** List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy ** ** policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/ ** *************************************************************************