In what way is a parent giving assets to a child undemocratic? Has any parent been denied the same opportunity, equal before the law? It makes no sense that an individual is free to give their money away, so long as they don't give it to their kin. I really do not understand the principles and assumptions that are at the root of your statements.


On Feb 1, 2009, at 5:17 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Not really - it was originally to make the wealthy pay a higher share
of government costs, not to simply enact transfers of wealth.  Big

You ignore history. The motivation can be seen most clearly by examining inheritance taxes. The goal is to extinguish dynastic succession, which
is fundamentally undemocratic.

Of course the cons/neocons think royalty is just fine. They even coined
the misleading term "death tax" to obscure their true motives.

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