If not labor's by right, then who's? Who is left but the government? Not voluntary associations, as they are composed of individuals who might not share as you see fit.

Really Tom, what is this analogy of sharing toys about? When you share toys, it is with the understanding that 1. Some party owns the toys and 2. that party expects them to be returned, undiminished, when play time is over. How does this apply to taxation?

On Feb 1, 2009, at 5:34 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Tom appears to be of the opinion that what labor produces (or earns)
is not theirs by right - they are only entitled to what government is
willing to release back to them.

The first part of that is correct. It is not yours by right. That notion
should have been extinguished in kindergarden. They should have taught
you to share toys. Without such socialization, avarice knows no bounds.

The second part is just petulant nonesense.

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