What really gets me is people always seem to think "government" is this nefarious bunch out to ruin our lives. In the US the government is us. Self loathing isn't new. In fact I think a small amount of it is healthy. It keeps a person focused.

I voted for Obama. Not because he's black, or from Hawaii, or isn't Bush. McCain was a tempting candidate for a short time. Then he opened his mouth. Then he picked a running mate for VP. That pretty much sealed the deal. Before I get slammed, I have nothing against women, or women in power. But I'm an equal opportunity caller of an idiot. I don't care about sex, race or whatever. It there's a chance they might be representing me I'm going to point out their short comings from the start. Every time I see Palin I can't help but think of that old movie "Night of the Comet" with Nicholas Cage. For you who may have seen it, do you remember the teacher on stage at the school dance, giving her speech? Can you imagine Palin filling her shoes?
        And please don't tell me, "I think not."

Jeff M

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