Now of course I come from the belief in only one God.

But Luther stated that where ever you put your trust there is your god.

For some they have made the gathering of wealth their god, others sports (do not get me started on that one) and still others politics.

Essentially whatever a person puts first and foremost in their live can become and often is their god.

I cannot prove that there is a God by any scientific means. For science is their God.

To me I believe in my God by faith and trust.

Luther put it this way, we should fear (awe,reverence) love and trust in God above all things.

A god can be anything, and has been over time.

As the saying goes choose your own poison.

As I said this is my own belief, and no one has to hold to it if they do not want.


At 07:45 PM 2/2/2009, you wrote:
Now that is an interesting assertion.  Also an interesting definition
of "god"?  Could you elaborate please?

No one has ever told me I believed in God before, though many appear
to have assumed I was of their or similar faith based on our


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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