        Thanks for answering the question!

Rich Schinnell wrote:
From:    Chris Dunford <>
Subject: Re: Anyone for 8.3? [Was: MS Sues TomTom for Using Linux

>In fact, yes. I have two apps that I use every day that have not been
>updated in many years but still do exactly what I want with no fuss.
Date:    Sat, 28 Feb 2009 18:36:48 -0500
From:    Tom Piwowar <>

Details? Do the apps have names? If you will pardon me, based on your
past history I don't put any stock in your vague assertions. These apps
are essential, irreplaceable, and will not work without an 8.3 file name?
Or are you just too lazy to upgrade?

I have one that works on Vista and requires the 8.3 filename and won't accept anything else.

Intuit Quickbooks version 5.0, Installed from floppy disks and does exactly what I need to bill and keep track of my clients.

Of course it has not had any updates for over 5 years but I still use it daily and back it up religiously.

Also a friend who is over 80, uses a really old word processor that requires the 8.3 file format and only prints to a parallel connected printer. And it does everything she wants. I have tried to bring her into the 21st century but she resists.


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