In a thread about installing Vista, that kinda sounded like you were >saying that Vista DOES suck.

I can see where you could read that message.  Sorry, I'll be more

The question, I think, was about going from a working XP
installation to a Vista installation.

My initial response was that it probably didn't make sense.  I
think I said "don't mess with success."

Microsoft has shown with it's commitment to 7 that it has no
confidence in Vista, as I see it.  I'd not be inclined to believe
that Vista would continue to be supported to the level of XP
Pro for the forseeable future.  That Vista works is undeniable.

How well it works, well that is an open question that we will
not have to worry about when 7 ships.

Microsoft doesn't exactly have an unblemished record.

Thanks for the feature list.

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