On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Chris Dunford <ch...@covesoftware.com>wrote:

> > How long out of the box is long enough?  I usually wait a
> > SP or two with M$ products to see if they can fix it up to
> > run well.  Win7 may be ripe by fall 2010.
> I think it's important to note that both the development process and the
> beta process were quite different for Win 7 as opposed to Vista, so what
> was
> true in the past may not be true this time around. The experience of the
> very large group of Win 7 beta version has been entirely different from,
> and
> vastly better than, that of the Vista testers.

I'm more worried that WIN7 has reached the pin the old feature on the new OS
stage.  This is where the other units at M$ get a whack at adding back old
things that mess up the OS.

> I'm not arguing that you should instantly install Win 7 when it's
> available;
> that's your decision entirely. I am saying that your fall 2010 time frame
> may be too pessimistic.

For normal people maybe, for corporate no way.  My wife just went to XP from
2000 last year at work.  I live on the edge but I also think WIN7 is more
like 98se was to WIN98 for Vista.

John Duncan Yoyo

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