You're surprised that the sponsor of an ad would tell you who he is and what his product is? I interpret the meaning of "touting" as telling you what is so great about it, not just flashing a product name.

I repeat, for the nth time, MS is not directly selling Windows here. They are indirectly, by convincing you to buy a PC laptop. Certainly, you are aware that MS earns almost all of its revenue from Windows on preinstalled PCs, not from folks who say, "Gee, I like the looks of that there Vista; I think I will go out and by me a copy to upgrade my XP" (THOSE are your MS Fanboys)

And, as I said before, this ad is targeted at people who don't give a damn about what OS comes with the machine or are complacent about getting yet another Windows PC. It's Apple's job to convince them otherwise. And their "I'm a PC" are very effective. wrote:
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Steve at Verizon <> wrote:

Actually, MS is in no way touting their operating system in this commercial,
which is aimed at an audience which is indifferent to operating systems
(hard to believe for this newsgroup there are so many of them out there) and
are just looking for an inexpensive laptop. I saw the ad only once, but do
not remember any discussion of Windows or how great it is<g>.

  There is the MS logo prominently displayed three times in the ad,
and "Windows" is also displayed.


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