Graduated from HS in Shreveport LA.
Graduated from JR. College in Austin Texas (Concordia College now a 4 year University)
Graduated from Concordia Seminary, STL, MO.

Did a 1 yr. Internship in Kirkland Lake, Ontario Canada (met my wife there and got married)

Served Churches in Ontario (Niagara peninsula), East Texas, Wisconsin (I stepped out of the parish for two years during which time I held a few jobs two of the longest was Younkers as a sales rep. and then working for National Information Services Corp. (Sold veterinary Clinics Software and Hardware) Also helped a friend with a COmpuer store during this time.

Went back into the parish ministry during which time I also did independent computer services.
Lived in WI. 12 years.

3 years in TN. and now almost 6 in AL.

During my time in WI I was also a Chaplain for the Army National Guard (Hurrah)

Been 27 years since I graduated from Seminary.

Yeah I lived around a little bit but that was in keeping with my growing up. I was born overseas and lived in NJ, WV, PA, IN, and LA growing up.


At 02:04 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:
Rev, I'd really like to see your curriculum vitae someday; you seem to have had a highly varied work history. Almost as varied as a top-selling fiction author!
Lovettsville, VA

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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