Why would it have a negative impact on shareware/freeware?

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> Yes it is an "honor virus" but if you are installing software you expect
> that it will be asking for your admin password. So if you install
> anything where you are not sure of its origins you can get into big
> trouble.
> I wonder if in the long term this has very negative impact on shareware
> and freeware utilities. A lot of great midnight programmers and small
> companies are going to get buried.
> >This is what is known in the UNIX world as an "honor virus".  You have
> >to put in place software you know to be illegitimate and give it
> >administrative access to install, or do something otherwise known to
> >be self destructive.
> >
> >If I were dumb enough to do this I could discover that shock of shock
> >my enterprise heavily firewalled role restricted servers are vulnerable.
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