At 04:10 PM 4/25/2009 -0400, you wrote:
The topic of pre-paid cell phone plans has been much discussed on the
list, but I thought such plans were just an odd corner of the market for
really cheap folks like me. I just read that 60% of T-Mobile's
subscribers are on pre-paid plans.

Average revenue per subscriber is in the mid $50s per month. That's what
I spend per year on my pre-paid. So those monthly subscribers must be
dropping serious dough on feeding their communication habits!

Very interesting.

I REALLY don't want to be found/availble 24/7. I have TracFone prepaid, and never use all the minutes before I have to renew yearly @ around $100/1000 minutes. What plan do you have that's mid $50's? I'd be interested! I keep the cell for outgoing when _I_ want it. Mine doesn't take pictures, and I guess I could get texting/voice mail if I wanted, but I don't!


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