Art Clemons
>> "Ubiquitous" maybe, but "popular" I think not. Pushing
>> software down people's throats is no way to win a
>> popularity contest.

> I remember WordPerfect and WordStar being the dominant
> word processors, with Lotus and MS being real also rans.
> WordPerfect at the time was a much better choice for most
> folks who wanted a word processor.  Word became
> ubiquitous and now is popular, it didn't win because it
> was a better choice, it won because it was available and
> WP just couldn't ever quite compete in Windows for

According to a study sponsored by the EU(?ECIS?), MS didn't
document the Windows interface so that WP could use it.  The
document was very interesting.  It was things I had all along
but never had a strong enough desire to hunt down and

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Whip me, beat me, make me code in COBOL!!

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