We have 3 PCs. I don't like the cheap [free] Compaq Presario notebook with Vista Home Premium. The HP notebook with Vista Business is a much better computer, but retails for twice as much as the Compaq. However, we got a display model for about the same price as the Compaq. We also have a ca. 2006 Dell desktop with XP Pro. All 3 belong to my husband and do mostly what he needs, and when they don't he has a PowerMac G5. I have 3 Macs and an iPod Touch, and run XP on one. PC notebooks I like are by Toshiba. Sony Vaio is very nice, but I don't trust them for quality.

Unless all you want is an Internet device, to get a decent computer for $400 you need to buy used, display model, refurb. For Internet only, buy cheap, but don't expect it to do video editing, photo retouch, spreadsheets, page layout, illustration, movies, except online Flash videos and Netflix streams. As for the usual FUD about getting help, he'll be on the Internet. He can join a user group, CGuys list or ask friends for help with a PC or Mac.

'You gets what you pays for.'

> Additionally,
> he only wants to spend about $400 or so for everything, including the
> printer.  He knows nothing of computer pricing, so this is not an
> issue of wanting a Windows machine simply because they are known to be
> initially cheap.

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