> There was only one problem: the IT "professionals" did not know what
> the hell they were talking about.
> Management now reaps the whirlwind. Conveniently they blame the
> economy. Bad managers always do.

Truly amazing.  Not your shaggy dog story, but your stubborn refusal to
acknowledge reality and instead spin a mythos because they gored an ox near
and dear to you.  Sounds more like sour grapes than any concrete reality.

Ad revenues down by 25%.  Circulation steadily declining for years, down 13%
average for the industry.  Subscriptions plummeting.  Craigslist
eviscerating classifieds, the bread and butter of newspaper revenue.

But yeah, the "IT guys" hoodwinking "management" took down an entire
industry.  Sure, Tom.  Whatever you say. The Internet had *nothing* to do
with it.

But, don't take my word for it, read what Howard Kurtz has to say:

Or, about the anxiety over forcing the old media's square peg into the
Internet's round hole:

Ahhhhh, numbers:


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