This here con supports that slogan. Have you seen that the State of Virginia wants to close its highway rest stops and offload the maintenance of rest rooms on McDonalds and other businesses along its highways. Why should a private business need to support a tour bus stopping for all to pee without anyone buying anything? I'd call that a tax on business.

I guess, as a free market con, I should support pay toilets instead, but this is one service I think the government should provide.

t.piwowar wrote:
On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
Why would we object? We might not use the restroom in the merchant's establishment, but the cost for it is folded into the merchants cost of doing business and thus reflected in the price. Not every minor cost should be itemized or made a la carte.

Great slogan for the cons/neocons: "STOP THE PEE TAX -- nobody gets to pee."

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