I used to think this way but I found out that my bank ATM card can be used
as a credit card or a debit card. As a credit card, there are no transaction
charges with my bank, the money comes right out of the checking account, I
don't have to carry as much cash in pocket, and my monthly statement, as
well as online account access, allow me to monitor the checking account from
which the funds are taken. Since I also electronic bill pay whenever
possible, I now write maybe at most 6 - 8 checks a year. A friend who also
banks with the same company says that he has used eBill pay to pay one time
charges or to a private party. In those instances, the bank "cuts a check"
that is mailed to the payee. He pays his music teacher this way.


The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that
cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.
 - Douglas Adams

> > Why don't you stop using checks?
>  Many places of business will charge an additional fee if an ATM card
> is used to electronically pay for a purchase.  Credit cards, another
> electronic means of payment, typically charge interest.  Many banks,
> mine included, do not charge anything either to obtain checks or to
> use them to pay for transactions.  Cash is the best whenever possible.

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