It's simply not important to me what other people's motivations are.

Use what works for you.  Full stop.

In audio, there's quite a bit of discussion along these lines.

As long as it's bit-perfect digital output, the only discussion revolves
aroud the interface.

I don't actually care if it's a Mac or a PC if it can do what I want,
which is present a high resolution bitstream to my DAC.  Preferably
over a SPIDF optical interface.

I like WMP over Itunes,  but that's a matter of preference.  Either
can manage music files, WMP does a better job for my purposes.

If I had to switch I could.  An awful lot of audiophiles (not MP3
listeners) swear by the Mac mini.  It IS a perfect little music server.

Just not my cup of tea right now.

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