All these things are dynamic, but the website listed some details in the
bills that are proposed.  Keep the faith Rev, God knows I have none when it
comes to the rats in DC.

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall <> wrote:

> Not only that the Senate has not passed anything yet and if it does it all
> goes to a conference committee, and you never know what will come out of one
> of those.
> I am just hoping they come up with something that will help us middle class
> folks whose insurance is higher than all get out.
> Stewart
> At 12:39 PM 7/25/2009, you wrote:
>  Propaganda. There is no bill at this point. There are at least 3 very
>> different proposed bills circulating.
> Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
> Prince of Peace
> Ozark, AL  SL 82
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