That is what I am talking about.

Real campaign reform would look like this:

All monies raised for campaign expenses must be raised within the sate of residence congress people live in.

NO corporate monies allowed.

No monies from out of state and no PAC's.

Wisconsin had one of the tightest rules on lobbyists. NO MONIES no lunches no freebies.

A congress critter wants to be reelected than the people of his area of representation can fund his campaign, not the DNC not the RNC and especially not their club the Congressional campaign fund.

Get money out of the equation and you would be surprised at those not willing or wanting to run, and how much cheaper government could be run.

It has always amazed me that these folks spend so much money for a job that pays so little (to hear them speak.) I could stand to earn as much as them. Or even half.


At 08:57 PM 7/25/2009, you wrote:
  Encourage it?  Members of Congress quite openly ask, and in some
cases, virtually demand money from corporations in exchange for their
services on behalf of those "constituents."

  Been reading the news stories of late about the gush of money from
the pharmaceutical industry to those members of Congress who are
intimately involved in the health care reform issue?


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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