Well mr moneybags, 2500 dollars to listen to a ten dollar cd is cost
prohibitive to a lot of people.

OK, I'll accept that.  But consider it from a different perspective.

If you bought one $10 CD a week for 30 years, you'd have 1500
CDs, which is a respectable but not even close to impressive
collection.  THIS is an impressive collection:


Puts a new perspective on a $2500 headphone system.

Assuming you all ready have a computer with a USB port, how
about this:

HeadRoom Micro DAC    US$333.00
Sennheiser HD600s           US$300.00
Creek OBH-21 Amplifier   US$375.00


Better?  Not as flexible, but still very good.  The HD600s are in
my opinion the best value in high end audio right now, but an
Ipod won't drive them.  Either of the DACs I've mentioned is better
than an Ipods'.

Swap out the OBH-21 for an OBH-11 and you're at $833.00.

I can't get as low as an Ipod because I'm reluctant to compromise
too far on DAC, amp, or transducers.

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